Brunswick House After School Club is now up and running...

Brunswick House After School Club is now up and running...

We are very excited to share with you the news of our After School Club opened on Thursday 5th September 2024.
The club will open at 3.20pm and closes at 6pm. All pick-ups need to be made by 5.55pm to allow the team time to clear away and prepare the halls for the next day.
We are providing an opening offer of £9.00 per child per session for the whole of Term 1 rising to £10.00 in Term 2 (4th November).
There will be a range of healthy tea-time food available with options to suit all dietary requirements. Please make sure that you identify any intolerances/ dietary needs that your child may have to the school office if you are intending to use the club.
Bookings can be made on ParentMail. This can be found on the app under payments.

The cost of your booking will be added to your basket. You can book well in advance and right up until the night before, but you must book a place. This includes pupil premium children and those who use childcare vouchers. We will let you know when the booking system becomes live and bookings will be released on a monthly basis going forward.

If you are unable to attend a session that you have booked, please cancel the place on Parentmail (up to the evening before the session), this will free up the slot for another child and generate a refund to your card..

Unfortunately, we will not be able to refund any monies paid for non-attendance.

If it says 'out of stock', this means that the club is full for that day. We are no longer able to accommodate children who do not have a place booked using our online booking system.

We look forward to welcoming children to our new After School Club Provision.