Snow and Bad Weather Statement

“Schools should, wherever possible, stay open in severe weather. They play a key role in their communities and by staying open help both their pupils and parents.” – Department for Education


Every winter brings the possibility of snow and ice. Extreme bad weather can cause widespread and prolonged disruption. Schools are often affected and it can be difficult to maintain an education service. As a fundamental principle every effort must be made to keep schools open, even if only limited numbers of pupils can attend. There is a legal requirement to keep schools open for children to attend for 190 days per year (380 sessions). However, schools may close due to ‘unavoidable’ circumstances. Those circumstances being that it is no longer safe for staff or pupils to be onsite. We recognise that it is important that our school remains open so parents are able to work and pupils can continue to learn. Brunswick House Primary School will make every effort to prepare for severe snow/ice this winter.


The government has stressed the importance of schools remaining open, wherever possible, as closures have a knock on effect on parents/carers who are key workers in other areas of the public sector, e.g. Health Services, thus undermining crucial service delivery. The overriding principle is, therefore, for schools to remain open to the maximum degree possible, as is consistent with health and safety requirements, even if it is not possible to run a full timetable. 


‘The decision whether to close must, however, be for headteachers as they know their schools and surrounding areas. They should use common sense in assessing the risks and keep their schools open.’ – Department of Education


How will parents know if Brunswick House Primary School is closed?

The school will log the closure on: You can sign up for FREE email alerts about school closures on this website. 

You may also hear about school closures by listening to local radio stations.

The school website will advise parents if the school is closed. 

The school will send parents a Parentmail if the school is closed.


What can you do to help?

• Please visit for more information about gritting routes and travel issues around Kent so you can plan your journey safely.

. Please approach the school from Leafy Lane

• Please can you provide a packed lunch from home in case school meals cannot be transported.

• Don’t forget suitable warm clothing – gloves, hats, scarves, wellies etc. or even a change of clothing.

• If you are a working parent or feel you may have a problem with a sudden earlier pick up, please could you put a back-up plan in place with another family member or parent and inform the school. This will allow staff to leave earlier for their safety if weather dictates.


Many thanks for your support in helping Brunswick House Primary School remain open during periods of severe snow/ice.