International Dimension

Brunswick House Primary School is internationally linked with Chipoka II Primary School in Malawi, and we achieved the International Schools Award for our work with our link school.  We established the link with the charity, Starfish Malawi and maintain it with regular annual visits to the school and consistent contact throughout the school year.  

Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, we have been unable to visit Chipoka 2 since May 2018.   However, we have been in continuous regular contact with Chipoka 2 throughout the Pandemic and over the months since we have all been reverting to our normal school days and routines.   We have been able to send resources, items of clothing, various items to enable the school to make items for the children and as always, kind donations from our parents and school community of uniforms, trainers, shoes and first aid kit in container shipments over the last 2 years and the school are immensely grateful for all of your help and generosity. 

There has been a huge change in staffing at our link school, Chipoka 2 have a new Headteacher, Mrs Siliya, who I am in regular contact with, along with various new teachers throughout the year groups.  All of whom have settled in well to their new roles, and they are thankful to have the link with us and the continued support that we give to them.  I have had a lovely message from Mrs Siliya  and another from our Link Co-Ordinator Angamile, which I would like to share with you. 

“I would like to say THANK YOU for your positive responses to our communications, and we very much appreciate all the support you are giving us here at Chipoka 2. “ - Mrs Siliya and all members of staff. 

“We are very thankful for the support you give to our entire school.  Teachers, learners and the community at large are encouraged by your support.  Chipoka 2 has a lot of learners who are vulnerable and such learners need special treatment for them to remain in school.  I am glad that you always include these things in your support.    Many thanks.” - Angamile 

As a school, we continue to give our support and encouragement to our link school. There will be a container going to Malawi later in the year, so I will be calling on your generosity once again to help Chipoka 2 with donations to their pupils in the year ahead.   I would also like to thank our whole school community, because without your kindness and willingness to donate to our school in Malawi, our link would not be as fruitful and productive.

Mrs Clarke

International Link Co-Ordinator 

Jan 2023