Breakfast Club

The school provides a Breakfast Club every day during term-time.

It runs from 7.30am until the start of school at 8.45am.

You can book your slots for breakfast club 2023 via ParentMail.  Please use the online booking system in order to secure your child a place each day.

The cost of breakfast club is £4 per child, per day. You can book well in advance and right up until the night before. But you must book a place, this includes pupil premium children and those who use childcare vouchers. 

If you are unable to attend a session that you have booked, please let us know as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we will not be able to refund any monies paid.

We are unable to accommodate children who do not have a place booked using our online booking system.

Attendance will be monitored daily as places are limited, and a waiting list will be in operation.

Please also see the leaflet below.  

 We now take the following childcare vouchers:

Company Reference
Computershare 22280007
Fideliti BRU017C
Edenred P21017904
TEDS Brunswick House