

Our Curriculum at Brunswick House is designed to create confident, independent, resilient life-long learners, who have a passion for learning and are able to adapt to the world around them. The curriculum at Brunswick House Primary School is inclusive, exciting, progressive and reflective of the community we serve. We believe that our offer is responsive to the needs of our pupils, their culture and heritage as well as local, national and global themes. We make it a priority that children are aware of their strengths and see success regularly, whilst also ensuring that they are resilient, well-rounded people who possess the necessary attributes to overcome challenges with confidence.

Our curriculum will enable children to reflect positively on their primary school years. For this to happen, our children need to be able to experience success in all areas of their primary journey, with a curriculum that is stimulating, thought-provoking and enjoyable. Their provision needs to engage, challenge and promote deeper thinking in all subjects, ensuring that they feel included in every curriculum area and that their individual contexts are also celebrated.

The intent of our curriculum is to deliver learning that is accessible to all, regardless of race, gender, faith or additional needs. A curriculum that engages, challenges and promotes deeper thinking in all subjects.
We encourage children’s aspirations and link our learning to real-world applications and future job opportunities.

Brunswick House Primary School is a GOLD STANDARD Rights Respecting school. We are passionate about children’s rights and work tirelessly with our pupils to ensure they fully understand their rights and responsibilities and how their actions affect others. This helps to encourage our children to become purposeful, empathetic and conscientious citizens who make a positive contribution to the world they live in, now and for years to come.


At Brunswick House Primary School, we recognise that highly trained and knowledgeable teachers are key to the effective delivery of a high quality and progressive curriculum that meets the need for all learners. Owing to an inquiry based approach to the appraisal process, and regular in house and external training opportunities led by our dedicated SEND team, our staff are able to stay well-informed about a range of pedagogical theories as well as highly effective strategies to support children with additional needs. This, coupled with an unswerving commitment to children’s pastoral care and wellbeing, provides children with high quality bespoke provision.

Teaching builds in opportunities for retrieval and rehearsal of key concepts to enable our pupils to transfer these into their long term memories. Our Flashback approach enables our children to build on from prior learning and make essential links that deepen their understanding allowing them to know more, do more and remember more.

Our staff effectively model key concepts, build in time for our pupils to practice whilst addressing barriers to learning where needed, before giving children the opportunity to explore, practice, reason and rehearse the skills they have gained. Throughout this process, teachers are able to check pupil’s understanding, correct any misconceptions and challenge children’s thinking further. We encourage children to see the benefits of taking risks and making mistakes in their learning.

Our teachers are adept at providing well-sequenced and progressive lessons supplemented by resources that scaffold children’s learning further and close gaps between pupil groups. We also ensure that children’s lessons are enhanced through the connections that we make with our local community and its wealth of resources.

Subject leaders work alongside staff and pupils to ensure that children’s learning in all subjects is of a high quality and that pupils can refer to prior learning effectively when discussing links and previously acquired knowledge.


The impact of the school's curriculum can be seen in the learning that is produced for outcomes for all groups of pupils with the school.  Our holistic child-centered approach creates an engaging atmosphere for learning which is conducive to success.

Work is carefully planned to address misconceptions and gaps in learning identified through assessments to ensure that the curriculum effectively meets the needs of all pupils.

The impact of our inquiry based approach at our professional development meetings ensures that children receive a curriculum from highly-trained, well-versed and supportive staff who place their pupils’ needs, academically and emotionally, at the very forefront of their thinking.

Our commitment to this high level of training, results in all subjects being treated with the same level of importance and the curriculum being broad and balanced. Children’s creative talents are also enhanced through a range of well-sequenced opportunities and enrichments that support children to do more, know more and remember more in all subject areas. The impact of this is that children become resilient, inquisitive and adventurous learners in a school where risk taking is actively encouraged. Subject leaders are well-informed about the standards in their subject and can support teachers and pupils further, resulting in all pupil groups making good or better progress.

The bespoke support and challenge we provide all our pupils, ensures that they acquire the knowledge and cultural capital needed for them to realise their highest potential and go on to be life-long learners.