Enjoying the Journey to Success

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Please read all about our exciting events.

April 2023

  • 27/04/23

    Tonbridge Class Ice Cream Party

    Tonbridge class children and teachers celebrated their attendance win last term with an ice cream party.  They thorough enjoyed this little treat. Well done Tonbridge class.
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  • 20/04/23

    Eid Celebration Assembly

    The religious holiday is celebrated by Muslims worldwide because it marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan.  Children learnt about Eid in assemblies this week.
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  • 19/04/23

    Poetry Slam Event

    Children were invited to perform their poem at our Poetry Slam on Wednesday 19th April in front of an audience which included family members and teachers.  Snacks and refreshments were provided for the visitors.
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